Valid from 15.06.2023


D O A S, a. s.
Košická 5590/56,
821 08 Bratislava
IČO: 31 373 917
IČ DPH: SK 202 032 7144

Registered in OR OS BA, section: Sa, insert No.: 622/B ( here in after referred to as “Operator” )
Tel: +421 2 50 702 888

Name and location of establishment:

DOAS Parking Garage
Kohútová St., Bratislava

Number of parking spaces:


Hours of operation:

Monday – Sunday 00:00 – 24:00 hod. non-stop every day of the week

Method of payment:

By presenting the parking ticket from the entry terminal at the automatic pay station or by using the assigned parking card

Parking fee:

The price list is published on the website: https://parkovacidomdoas.sk/

Art. I
Parking conditions

1. These operating rules establish the rules for using the parking spaces in the DOAS Parking Garage (hereinafter referred to as “Parking Garage”) intended for the parking of personal motor vehicles or motorcycles (hereinafter referred to as “Motor Vehicle”) between the operator of the parking garage and the owner or user of the motor vehicles. The parking space is a defined part of the parking garage and is not a separate non-residential space.

2. The operating rules are placed in a visible place in the parking garage.

3. Only the customer (hereinafter referred to as “Driver” or “User”) who accepts the operator’s agreement on using the parking space, these operating rules, the price list and the fact that the parking garage area as well as the parked motor vehicles themselves will be monitored by surveillance cameras, can use the parking space in the parking garage, thereby concluding an agreement on the provision of the parking space.

4. The agreement between the operator and the customer on using a parking space in the parking garage arises at the moment the customer receives a parking ticket from the entry terminal, by email order, on the day of signing a special written contract concluded between the operator and the customer, and by handing over a plastic parking card for parking in one marked, free and designated parking space, and expires with the payment of all claims of the operator.

5. The customer has the right to park the motor vehicle without a trailer driven by him in the parking space in the parking garage non-stop, i.e. continuously 24 hours a day.

6. The customer does not have the right to park in parking spaces marked as reserved for a specific legal person or natural person. In case of violation of this prohibition by the customer, the operator is entitled to warn the customer with a ticket placed behind the wipers, or in another visible place, to fit a technical device on the customer’s car preventing the vehicle from leaving, the so-called wheel clamp, and to charge the customer a one-off handling fee of EUR 120 associated with the removal of the wheel clamp plus the parking fee in accordance with the valid price list for each hour started, as well as having the customer’s motor vehicle towed at his expense, if the conditions for its removal are fulfilled according to §43 (4) of Act No 8/2009 Coll. on road traffic as amended.

Art. II
Parking system

1. Entry of a motor vehicle:
The driver stops in front of the entrance barrier, which opens after the button for issuing a parking ticket on the entry terminal is pressed. The driver will keep the issued parking ticket or if the driver owns a valid plastic parking card (hereinafter referred to as “Card”), he will place the card on the reader on the entry terminal, which will verify the validity of the card.

The driver parks the motor vehicle in one marked, free and designated parking space in the parking garage.

The driver leaves the parking space using the nearest exit from the parking garage, while he must take the parking ticket or the card with him. By placing the parking ticket or the card on the RFID reader on the entrance door, the customer will be allowed to enter the parking garage from Kohútova St.

2. Procedure at the end of parking:
At the pay station, the driver of the vehicle pays the relevant amount of cash for the parking time according to the price list, calculated according to the length of parking from the parking ticket. The pay station will confirm the payment on the parking ticket and print the tax receipt at the same time.

In case of any problems with payment, it is possible to communicate with the parking garage staff through a communicator located on the pay station.

In case of paying the parking fee at the AB DOAS reception from Košická St. 56, the customer will be charged a fee in accordance with the valid price list and a replacement proof of receiving the payment will be issued, on the next working day, DOAS will issue a proper tax proof of receiving the payment, which will be delivered to the customer at the e-mail address provided by him.

After payment, the customer quickly goes to his motor vehicle. When in the parking garage, every person must take care of their safety, as regulated by the Road Traffic Act.

3. Departure of a motor vehicle:
The driver stops in front of the exit barrier, inserts the parking ticket into the slot of the exit terminal, on which payment for the parking is marked, if the payment and time obligations for the exit have been fulfilled, the barrier opens, and the driver leaves the parking garage by his motor vehicle.

A driver with a valid contract card leaves the parking garage by placing the card on the reader on the exit terminal, which verifies its validity and opens the barrier.

The driver is obliged to leave the parking garage within 10 minutes after paying for the parking. If he does not do so and the automated exit barrier does not allow him to leave the parking garage, he is obliged to go back to the pay station and pay the corresponding fee.

A driver who forgot to pay the parking fee and finds out only at the exit terminal must not stop the motor vehicle at the exit, instead, he must leave the area in front of the exit barrier with his motor vehicle, pay the fee at the pay station and then leave the parking garage.

If the driver decides to exit the parking garage within 10 minutes from the time of entry into the parking garage confirmed at the entry terminal, his stay in the parking garage is not subject to charges (passage tolerance). By inserting the parking ticket into the slot of the exit terminal, he will be allowed to exit the parking garage without paying the parking fee.

In case of any problems with payment, it is possible to communicate with the parking garage staff through a communicator located at the exit terminal.

4. The movement of people in the parking garage, which is not related to the use of a parking space, IS NOT ALLOWED.

5. In the parking garage, the operation is regulated by traffic signs and the customer is obliged to fully comply with the provisions of Act No 8/2009 Coll. on road traffic and amending certain other acts. The visitors of the parking garage are obliged to follow the traffic signs and the instructions of the parking garage operator.

6. The driving speed of motor vehicles in the entire parking garage is max. 10 km/hod. The maximum permitted height of motor vehicles entering the parking garage is 2.1 m.

7. Motor vehicles powered by LPG and CNG are not permitted to enter the parking garage. If the operator discovers the presence of a gas-powered motor vehicle in the premises of the parking garage, he will immediately have it towed to a designated place at the expense and risk of the owner (holder) of the motor vehicle.

8. Abuse of the neighbouring parking space by improper parking of the customer’s motor vehicle will be considered as parking in two (or more) parking spaces and the customer is obliged to pay compensation for all occupied parking spaces according to the valid price list.

9. If a motor vehicle parked outside the designated parking spaces constitutes an obstacle to road or pedestrian traffic, the operator of the parking garage will immediately and at customer’s expense and risk have it blocked by a technical device preventing the motor vehicle from leaving, block the parking ticket and parking card, or have the customer’s motor vehicle towed at the customer’s expense and risk.

11. In order to secure a payable (financial) claim against the customer arising in connection with parking of customer’s motor vehicle (parking fee, handling fee connected to the removal of the wheel clamp, reimbursement of costs incurred for the towing of the motor vehicle, etc.), the operator has the right to retain the parked vehicle in the premises of the parking garage, even if the motor vehicle does not belong to the customer, but to a third party (a motor vehicle holder). In such a case, the operator informs the customer about retaining the motor vehicle and reasons for retaining the motor vehicle, while he is entitled to prevent the motor vehicle from leaving by his own means. The right to retain the parked motor vehicle in the premises of the parking garage expires upon the satisfaction of the secured claim or the provision of sufficient collateral.

12. Motor vehicles parked in the parking garage must be in roadworthy condition and must be approved for use in operation. The customer is obliged to notify the operator of any removal of registration plate of the motor vehicle in advance, e.g. in order to register a new motor vehicle. If it can reasonably be assumed that the owner wants to get rid of the motor vehicle due to the state or extent of its damage, this motor vehicle will be treated in accordance with applicable legal regulations.

13. The hours of operation of the parking garage are from Monday to Sunday: NONSTOP (from 00.00 h to 24.00 h).

14. In the parking garage, driving of motor vehicles by persons without a driver’s license as well as driving lessons are prohibited.

15. The price for parking in the parking garage is set for each motor vehicle according to the valid price list approved for the parking garage by the operator.

Art. III
Obligations of the customer

1. Properly close and lock the motor vehicle after parking, secure it against accidental starting and park in only one parking space.

2. Comply with all warning signs, traffic signs and notices located in front of and in the parking garage, and with these operating rules.

3. Comply with all safety and fire regulations.

4. Take care of their safety, not to stay close to the barriers, garage door and their moving parts when moving around the parking garage.

5. Pay attention to increased consideration for pedestrians and not to endanger their safety.

6. Use the parking space for a motor vehicle in roadworthy condition only and park only in the designated parking space. It is prohibited to park in spaces marked as reserved parking spaces for a specific legal person or natural person.

7. Maintain cleanliness and order in the parking garage.

8. Respect the performance of cleaning and maintenance of the parking garage premises and, for this purpose, the temporary restriction of the use of parking spaces.

9. keep the parking ticket carefully. The customer is responsible for the loss, damage and destruction (impairment of legibility) of the parking ticket. In case of losing the parking ticket, the vehicle will be released from the parking garage only on the basis of the presentation of the vehicle registration certificate and identity card of the motor vehicle user, and at the same time, if the parking time does not exceed 24 hours, a monetary compensation for the loss of the parking ticket will be charged in the amount according to the valid price list. If the parking time exceeds 24 hours, both a price in the amount corresponding to the actual length of parking according to the valid price list and a monetary compensation for the loss in the amount according to the valid price list will be charged.

10. always pay the parking fee before getting into the motor vehicle.

11. In case of malfunction of the payment terminal, the customer is obliged to report this fact to the operator of the parking garage via the communicator located on the automatic pay station without undue delay. Malfunction of the payment terminal does not entitle the customer to park for free.

12. In case of sudden loss of documents or cash, illness, accident, etc. the customer is obliged to ensure the removal or towing of the motor vehicle at his own expense. The parking fee is then charged until the moment of leaving the parking garage.

13. For long-term parking, the customer can purchase a parking card. The parking card allows the customer to park solely in the reserved parking space assigned to the parking card. In case of loss of the parking card, the customer will be charged a financial compensation of EUR 30.

14. The monthly/yearly parking fee is contractually agreed with the operator D O A S Inc.

15. The parking card authorizes continuous entry and exit from the premises of the parking garage for motor vehicles, the registration plates of which are assigned to the parking cards. The customer reports the registration and change of registration plates to the parking garage operator. One parking card can be used for only one motor vehicle registration plate at a time.

Art. IV
In the entire parking garage, it is prohibited to

1. Leave children and live animals in a parked locked motor vehicle.

2. Sleep in motor vehicles.

3. Leave valuables in visible places in parked motor vehicles.

4. Smoke and use open flames, and it is also prohibited to handle flammable substances.

5. Put away and store various kinds of objects, especially objects made from flammable materials.

6. Pump fuels into motor vehicle tanks, carry out repairs, change oil, charge starter batteries, drain coolant and other liquids.

7. Leave the engine running, test the engine.

8. park motor vehicles with a leaky tank or other damage endangering the operation of the parking garage, as well as park motor vehicles that are not in roadworthy condition and vehicles that do not meet technical regulations.

9. wash motor vehicles or repair them, except for shutting down a malfunction in order to put the motor vehicle into operation.

10. park motor vehicles in lanes in front of the emergency exits, exits from the parking garage, and outside the parking space due to the possible disruption of the flow of traffic.

11. Ride roller skates, skateboards, bicycles and electric scooters.

12. Park motor vehicles with snow chains on the wheels, or with tires with spikes.

13. use warning sound signals.

Art. V
Liability for damage

1. Every user parking in the parking garage notes that parking spaces in the parking garage are charged.

2. Liability for damage is governed by the provisions of Act No. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code as amended.

3. The operator is not responsible for damage, destruction or theft of things and motor vehicles parked in the parking garage. Parked vehicles are not guarded, and the operator is not responsible for their damage, destruction or loss during parking.

4. The operator is not responsible for the damage to things left in the motor vehicle during parking, nor is he responsible for the damage to freely removable parts of the motor vehicle.

5. The customer, including all persons staying in the premises of the parking garage, is obliged to ensure that no damage occurs to the property of the operator and other customers of the parking garage, while he is responsible for all damages to the property of the operator and other customers of the parking garage caused by him or his motor vehicle.

6. The customer is obliged to compensate the operator for all damages to the parking garage and its equipment caused by his own fault.

7. The customer is obliged to immediately report every damage to the operator if it was caused to the customer by the operator’s activities.

Art. VI
Rights and obligations of the operator

Rights and obligations of the operator
a. ensure the operation of the parking garage in accordance with these operating rules and other generally binding legal regulations in force in the Slovak Republic,

b. maintain cleanliness and order in the parking garage, including winter maintenance, remove all obstacles that may affect the smooth and safe operation of the parking garage,

c. allow everybody to acquaint themselves with these operating rules, the hours of operation and the prices for the provided services by publishing them on the relevant building and website,

d. deny entry of a motor vehicle to the parking areas by other types of motor vehicles than motor vehicles, i.e. vehicles with trailers and vehicles dimensions of which differ from the standard for which the parking garage is intended,

e. deny entry to the parking garage by buses and vehicles with a total length of over 5m,

f. carry out checking and monitoring of the parking garage,

g. in case of restrictions on the use of prepaid parking by the operator according to point 2. h) of this Art. of operating rules, the customer is entitled to have the validity of his parking card extended by the period during which the parking was restricted by the operator.

2. The operator is entitled to:
a. charge a parking fee,

b. not to allow higher number of motor vehicles than is the capacity of the parking garage to park in case of filling the parking capacity of the parking garage,

c. demand compliance with these operating rules from every entity that is authorised to park in the parking garage according to these parking rules,

d. close the parking garage in the event of any danger that might directly or indirectly endanger or damage the life, health or property of the entities parking in the parking garage and the operator,

e. deny entry to the parking garage to motor vehicles whose technical condition is not in compliance with applicable road traffic regulations, motor vehicles without a registration plate, motor vehicles with snow chains or studded tires, and other vehicles that may damage the property of the operator,

f. alert the state and city police on suspicion of committing an offence against the safety and flow of road traffic, other offence or a criminal act if anyone staying in the parking lot in the parking garage acts in violation with these parking rules, or with traffic or other applicable legal regulations including cases where the entity parks their motor vehicle:
– in such a way that it creates an obstacle in traffic in the parking garage,
– in reserved parking spaces,
– outside the marked parking space,
– in several marked parking spaces at the same time, without paying the parking fee

g. demand compensation for any damage caused to the operator by the user parking in the parking garage or the holder of a parking card relating to the parking garage,

h. suspend or cancel the validity of the purchased parking card for a necessary period of time in the event that an obstacle occurs on the part of the operator when providing parking in the parking garage, such as a technical problem, natural disaster, social or other events in cooperation with the public sector, or any other situation that is outside the operator’s control.

Art. VII

1. Each user parking in the parking garage is obliged to comply with these operating rules and act in such a way when parking that no damage to property, injury to health, or violation of the rights and interests of other persons and the operator occur in the parking garage.

2. Upon detection of any violation of these operating rules and a simultaneous violation of road traffic rules, such action will be reported to the competent authority of the Police Force of the Slovak Republic or the city police as part of the suspicion of committing an offence against security and flow of road traffic.

Camera system

1. The operator uses a camera system operated in accordance with legal regulations exclusively for the purpose of protecting the parking garage and for the purpose of complying with the obligations according to the operating rules.

2. However, the operation of the camera system does not serve to guard a motor vehicle or on activities connected to guarding a motor vehicle. The existence of a camera system does not establish the responsibility of the operator.

3. Users are not entitled to request records made by the camera system from the operator. However, the operator is entitled to provide these records to the relevant competent authorities based on their request or if such an obligation arises from the law.

Art. IX
Processing of personal data by the operator

1. The operator is the person responsible for processing the personal data of the user and the personal data of natural persons provided to the operator by the user, which are necessary for the exercise of rights and the fulfilment of the obligations arising from the contractual relationship between the operator and the user based on the agreement on the use of the parking space; for the purposes of this article, the agreement on the use means any agreement concluded between the operator and the user or another person if the subject of this agreement is the use of a parking space

2. The provisions of this article are primarily intended for the user who is a natural person. The user, who is a legal person and provides the operator with personal data of natural persons for the purpose specified in point 1, is obliged to inform these natural persons about the processing of personal data by the operator and about the provisions of these operating rules before providing the operator with the personal data; on request of the operator, the user is obliged to prove to the operator that this instruction according to this sentence has been carried out.

3. The user, who is a legal person and provides the operator with personal data of natural persons for the purpose specified in point 1, has the status of an independent operator based on the legislation in the field of personal data protection and is independently responsible for fulfilling the obligations arising from Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter referred to as “REGULATION”), Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on amendment of certain acts as amended (hereinafter referred to as “Act”) and other generally binding legal regulations.

4. The purpose of processing of personal data provided by the user is to enable the fulfilment of rights and obligations arising from the agreement on the use, within the scope of contact data specified in the agreement on use. For this purpose, the operator can also process the identification of the vehicle registration plate and the type of motor vehicle. The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the fulfilment of the agreement according to Article 6 (1)(b) of the REGULATION, or according to §13(1)(b) of the Act.

Art. X
Dispute resolution

1. The relations between the users of the parking garage and the operator are governed by the provisions of these operating rules, the price list, that is an integral part of these operating rules, or the agreement on the use of the parking space and the law of the Slovak Republic.

2. If the dispute is not resolved out of court, the parties to the dispute are entitled to resolve the dispute in accordance with the legislation in force in the Slovak Republic.

Art. XI
Price list for services provided

1. The current price list for parking in the parking garage is published in front of the entry ramp of the parking garage and on the website parkovacidomdoas.sk

Art. XII
Final provisions

1. All users of the parking garage are obliged to comply with the operating rules of the parking garage which are binding on them.

2. The operating rules of the parking garage are valid and effective as of 15 June 2023.

3. The operating rules of the parking garage will be visibly placed in the parking garage and will also be available on the website of the operator parkovacidomdoas.sk

4. The entire building of the parking garage is monitored by a camera system.

5. The operator is entitled to unilaterally change or edit the operating rules, if:
a. there is a change in legislation,

b. there are serious objective and provable reasons on the part of the operator.

The change of the operating rules shall take effect upon its publication in the designated place.

6. If individual provisions of the operating rules are or become invalid, unenforceable or ineffective, it does not result in invalidity, unenforceability or ineffectiveness of the entire operating rules.